Finding calm in chaos — Surviving busy season

Whether you have a team of (busy) seasoned pros, or you’re in the thick of supporting a young group through their first experience of the madness — there’s a chance the pressure of this time of year could knock anyone off their feet.

Multiple clients, never-ending workload, and long hours at the office, the demand and stress of the season can take its toll. But with a little forward planning, providing your team with the tools to take care of their wellbeing and providing them a space to let you know when it all becomes a bit much — your team can power through and make it out the other side not simply surviving, but, thriving.

Here are our tips to keep front of mind to look after yourself, and to pass onto your team.

Take a break

When things are hectic, taking a break might seem impossible, but it’s vital to take a day or two when needed, to avoid burnout later on. Maintaining a work-life balance is crucial, even during the busiest times of the year.

Nourish your body

Focus on eating healthy, balanced meals to help your body function at its peak, combined with a form of physical activity. This will generate energy, reduce stress and sharpen your focus for you to tackle your tasks.

Drink water, a lot of water

Staying hydrated is key to keeping you feeling energised and alert. Studies show that dehydration is linked to cognitive decline, so make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water to keep your brain functioning at its best.

Get outside

Aim to leave your office at least once daily, whether it’s for a lunchtime walk or a sit in the sun. Even a brief five-minute break outside can recharge your energy and prepare you to tackle the remainder of the day.

Ask for help

Don’t wait for breaking point to ask for help. Get on the front foot and chat to your manager, keep them in the loop on your workload. If you manage a team, where possible delegate tasks and utilise your teams support.

Look for signs of burnout

To prevent burnout, it’s crucial to recognise the warning signs, like, overwhelm, being emotionally drained, resentment and anxiousness. These are signs you or someone in your team needs to ask for help and prioritise wellbeing.